Publications continued
(the beginning of the list - Books - is here)Journal Papers, Book Reviews and Publications on Language Teaching: published, forthcoming and submitted; Also: Mathematical Publications
Journal papers:
- 'Lev Shestov i Iosif Brodskii' ['Lev Shestov and Joseph Brodsky'], Le Messager [Vestnik russkogo khristianskogo dvizheniia] (Paris - New-York - Moscow: YMCA-Press; No. 184, 2002), pp. 163-181
- An English version of this paper (translated from the original Russian) is published in The Lev Shestov Journal (Glasgow: The Lev Shestov Studies Society; No. 3, 2002), pp. 65-80.
- '"The world is ugly and people are sad". On Chekhov's ethics and aesthetics in the works of Sergei Dovlatov', Essays in Poetics, Vol. 31, Autumn 2006, pp. 319-354
- 'Poperiok miroporiadka: Lev Shestov, Marina Tsvetaeva i Venedikt Erofeev' ('Across the World Order: Lev Shestov, Marina Tsvetaeva and Venedikt Erofeev'), Toronto Slavic Quarterly, Vol. 26, Fall 2008
- 'Anticipating Modern Trends: Lev Shestov - Between Literary Criticism and Existential Philosophy', Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-2, 2008, pp. 105-119
- 'On Pushkin's poem "Zimniaia Doroga" ['The Road in Winter'], Le Messager [Vestnik russkogo khristianskogo dvizheniia], Paris - New-York - Moscow, No. 185, 2003, pp. 161-166
- 'A Remark on Modern Poetry', Znamia, No. 11, 2001, pp. 83-87 (Znamia is the major liberal literary journal in contemporary Moscow)
- `The Religious-Philosophical Heritage of Lev Shestov in the Context of Contemporary Russia and the Wider World', forthcoming in the Heythrop Journal: A Quarterly Review in Philosophy and Theology (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing), already available electronically in the 'advance of print version'.
- `The poet in Russia is more than just a poet'. Vladimir Mayakovsky and Vladimir Vysotsky - relationships with the epoch', forthcoming in Vestnik TGU (the refereed academic journal of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia)
- `Russian Jews in Exile from Bolshevik Russia: Lev Shestov as an Example of Russian-Jewish Existential Compromise', East European Jewish Affairs, August 2008, special issue.
- 'Dialogues with Dostoevsky from Two Corners: Andre Gide and Lev Shestov', New Zealand Slavonic Journal, No 42, 2008
- `Akhmatova on Chekhov: A Case of Animosity?',2009, Russian Literature (Elsevier, Amsterdam), LXVI-II, 15 August 2009, Special Issue A. P. Chekhov, pp. 235-255.
- `Introduction to the unpublished correspondence of Leon Chestov', Special issue of the literary journal l'Europe, No 960, April 2009
- Entry on `Lev Shestov', Literary Encyclopedia, 2009
- Entry on `Nikolai Berdiaev', Literary Encyclopedia, 2010
- `My rodom iz detstva, my rodom iz knig' (`We result from our childhood, from the books we have read'), Contribution to the international web-based interactive Seminar-2010 `Sotsio-kul'turnaia dominanta sovremennogo obrazovaniia' (`Socio-cultural dominant of contemporary education'), organized by the Institute of Artistic Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, May 2010
- On Alyssa W. Dinega's A Russian Psyche. The Poetic Mind of Marina Tsvetaeva, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 2001, The Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 13, Number 1, February 2004, pp. 78-80
- On Sarah Young's Dostoevsky's The Idiot and the Ethical Foundations of Narrative. Reading, Narrating, Scripting, Anthem Press, London, 2004, Modern Language Review, Vol. 103, Number 1, January 2008, pp. 305-306
- 'On the Use of Mnemonic Rules when Teaching Russian to English Speakers', forthcoming in Rusistika
- 'Introducing e-learning into translation courses (the case of Russian and English)', in Proceedings of the Bath Symposium, eds. Valerie Pellatt and Elena Minelli (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008), pp. 93-117
- Review of the educational software for beginners in Hebrew, the ReCALL journal (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Vol. 15, No 2, November 2003), pp. 272-277, and published electronically at
- 'Russian Jewish Writers - Exile Becoming Migration: a New Experience within "Open Borders"'
- 'Repudiation and Appropriation: Two Jewish Identities - Soviet and Israeli'
- 'Literary and Cinematic Representations of Fatherhood in Russia: A Culture of the Absent Father'
- 'Russian-Soviet Literature of the 1960s and 70s: Motherhood in Disguise, OR a Male Anti-feminist Rhetoric, for What It's Worth'
- 'To Seem and to Be in Russian Literature - The Eternal Conflict between an Author and His Lyrical Hero'
1. Paper On Fresh Orderings of Groups (published in Communications in Algebra in 1998, jointly with G.C.Smith)
2. Book An undegraduate text Topics in Group Theory (published by Springer Verlag in 2000, jointly with G.C.Smith)
3. Paper Infinite Systems of Linear Equations and Mathematical Logic (published in Linear Algebra and its Applications in 2001)